Friday, December 24, 2010

Happy Holidays!

The Holidays are my favorite time of year (minus the cold).  I've seen more friends this week than I generally do in months!  Much of my joy over the Holidays comes with the Christmas decor.  For my 1st Christmas in my loft, I chose not to have a tree.  Too much of a reminder of years passed with my ex.  Instead, I added some festive touches throughout the home.  I hung some pretty ornaments off my dining room pendant, and also had them piled up in my Sophie Conran ice bucket.  Brought in some birch logs & hung some disco balls & a jewelled owl off of them, grabbed a cute spiky modern tabletop tree from HomeSense, and added some greenery touches with a small cedar tree & poinsettia.

Happy Holidays to all!
Enjoy every bite of delicious food, and every ounce of delicious wine with friends & family.
See you in the new year!

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